Saturday 1 December 2012

Things that make someone like you

My english is bad, I know that but I just hope you understand. I just got some interesting book. How To Get A Friends and Influence Someone. An interesting title that attracted me to bought it. 

It help us on how to communicate with other people where it was indeed one of the hardest thing in the world. One of them is SMILE. 

Yes it is, SMILE! So hard to believe but it's true! 

Do it, just do it! Try it!

It was an easy way to get a good first impressions. Even if that time you got moody or having a bad day, try to smile because 'feeling born from action'.

Have you ever look into a baby when you got a bad day or whatsoever, and see their smiling face? What did you do? 

Smile of course! Because a baby's smile is the most honest in the world. Same thing goes when you meet your friends. If you smile, they will smile too and this kind of action will make you happy and shine your day.

Just remember this one golden word, SMILE!

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